ISo 3x3 Rules
Youth teams will play 3 on 3 half court.
Each team is allowed 3 players and 2 subs.
Score will be kept by the traditional two and three point standards.
Each team gets 4 , 1 minute time outs per match.
Teams will play 5 , 8 minute running periods with 30 seconds between each period.
Clock only stops at dead balls in the last minute if the competition is within 10 points.
The competition will be a best of 5 series.
First team to win 3 periods will win the match.
Teams must clear to three point line after change of possession on a missed shot.
Ball will be inbounded from the top of the key after a made basket.
Teams will shoot one freethrow on any shooting foul.
After a dead ball the team with possession will take it out at the top of the key to reset play. On a reset there will be no imbound, ball is in play once the refs hands it off.
A technical foul will result in two points plus possesion.
A flagrant foul will result in the offender sitting out the remainder of the period, or by determination, removed from competition.
6 team fouls in a period will result in a bonus 1 shot free throw. 8 team fouls in a period will result in a double bonus 2 shot free throw.
Individual fouls will not be counted.
A coin toss by captains will determine first possession.
A tie at the end of regulation will result in a sudden death scenerio.
In a sudden death scenario teams will reflip a coin for first possession.
Bring your own basketballs.
Code of Conduct.
Conduct deemed disorderly by any member in attendance,player, or coach will result in a technical foul on behalf of the offender. If the conduct continues the authorities will be notified and the offender is eligible for suspension or complete removal from the tournament.